Saturday, August 22, 2009

Warehouse 13

There's a show called Warehouse 13. It's about two secret service agents that were recruited to do a job that's incredibly important but incredibly secret. Not doing the job jeopardizes the world, but it's a job that sucks the life out of them and they are feeling it. Some of us feel like that. Whether it's parenting, ministry or something else, we've hit a point where we just don't know how much more we could possibly give.

So what do you do? Do you quit? If not, is there a way to combat it? Are there perks you aren't taking advantage of that balance it out? Of course there is. The problem is we are focusing too much on the task and not enough on the possibilities. We go into the situation with a sense of responsibility rather than curiosity. We carry a sense of dread with us that clouds our vision.

If you are feeling like this then it's time to take another look at your situation. Find a new perspective. Enter your day with sense of wonder looking for opportunities for life and joy and laughter. So called "psychics" make their living off the idea that if you say something is going to happen to someone they look for it to happen. It's human nature. So use that to your advantage. Find something to look for tomorrow that will brighten your day. Find a way to breathe new life into whatever situation is sucking the life out of you.

So many times we look at our lives and see the rut that we are in and accept that we are stuck there. Why is it that we can look at someone else's rut an see a way out but assume we are stuck in ours. Step back and take a fresh look. Yes, you are in this situation and you are tired, but take a breath. Write down your story like you would if you were telling a friend, then read it as if it were someone else's story. Ask the questions you would ask someone else. Find God's hand in this. Look for the blessings you've forgotten. Look for advise you've given but not taken. Pray over it in a new way.

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