Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Name it and claim it!

Did I scare you?  I don't mean this in the way that it's usually used, I don't believe that we have the power and authority to "name it and claim it" in Jesus name, just because it's what we want, or even believe is best.  I just want to explore the idea that there is something to "naming it."  I watched a movie a couple of years ago, my typical supernatural sci fi type of movie, and it had a scene where a young man was being taught to use his powers.  In order to have power over something he had to know the true name of it.  Not what everyone else called it, it had to be it's true name.  Something struck me about that.  I remembered how Jacob's name was changed to Israel, and Abram to Abraham, and I remembered how in the Bible people would pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  God has many names, and we can learn so much from studying them.  There IS something in a name. 

While I recognized this, I felt there was more, there was something there that I was missing.  I then thought about counseling.  Counseling someone can be quite interesting.  Most people know there is something wrong but talk all around it.  You kind of have to read in between the lines to get to the heart of the matter, and then speak to that.  Once you get to the core of it, all the randomness disappears and then you deal with what's in front of you.  Then I wondered if that's how God views our prayers.  We get kind of rambly and generic, and while He's God and can see through it, maybe we need to get to the point before He can really move.  You know how you can get in a prayer rut, "God bless ________, and help _________.  Please be with me today, help me to make a difference...."  Don't you think God is up there saying, "Seriously?  Bless, help, be with....  Listen!  I AM GOD!  I do bless, I do help, I am with, I AM!  But how do you recognize it unless you name it?  Partner with me, let US bless, let US help, let US be with.  I can do this on my own, but I have chosen to work through YOU.  Let's focus on some place where My Name can be glorified today.  Let's position you to be in a place where I can work through you and we can claim some ground in Jesus name!" 

I think our prayers have gotten lazy.  Even if they haven't, sometimes we are afraid to act for fear of looking foolish.  I think God needs a few of us to step up and be intentional about making specific headway for the sake of His Name.  A few of us have to do it to make headway and to create an atmosphere for more to do it.  Some pray for revival like they are praying for God to wave a magic wand and create revival.  I think God is saying that He doesn't need a magic wand, He created us, we just need to focus.


  1. You reminded me of something that I had to go look up:

    "Until I tell God what I want, I have no way of knowing whether or not I truly want it. Unless I ask God for something, I do not know whether or not it is something for which I ought to ask, and I cannot add, 'But if this is not your will for me, then your will is what I want, not mine.'" (Madeleine L'Engle, "Walking on Water")

    She doesn't say it outright, but there's an assumption of the same idea in there -- that until you call out what you really want by name, you can't even have a real conversation with God about it, let alone directly ask him to do anything about it, let alone be enabled to pursue the doing with him.

    1. Excellent point! If you glaze over it He has to smack you over the head to get your attention and talk about it. That's never comfortable! It's best to open the door to conversation and find His will. Thank you, Cris!
