Friday, October 2, 2009

Self-Made Boxes

We tend to live in these self-made boxes. We put walls around ourselves to protect ourselves, but are we really protecting ourselves? Man made items have a life expectancy. Eventually these walls that you have put around yourself aren't going to be able to hold up to the storms and pressures of this life. We usually create these walls to protect ourselves from future heartache, but get a picture of that. There you are either curled up or pacing in this self-made box. Yes, you may be proud of your large sturdy walls, but they're holding you prisoner. Life is full of highs and lows. There is pain, but there is also joy. You can't choose to keep one out and not the other. Yes, you can manufacture your own joy. There are hobbies you can involve yourself in to keep you happy, but for how long? And how much joy can that really bring you anyway? Isn't it smarter to get stronger and prepare for the storms of life than it is to hide? You are going to have to deal with life anyway, isn't it better to equip yourself? Yes, the harsh may be harsher, but the joy will be greater as well. You will no longer be a prisoner and you will no longer be alone, and you'll probably like yourself better too.

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