Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fear and strength

I was thinking today about spiders. When hubby is away and I find a spider I kill it. I certainly don't enjoy it, but I suck up my fear and do it. I don't (usually) hem and haw and squirm like I do when hubby is around to take care of it for me. Why is that? It got me thinking...are we only as strong as we need to be. Why am I braver when hubby is away then when he's here? The only reason I can think of is that I don't HAVE to be so brave when I have hubby to hide behind.

Now when it comes to something like speaking in front of a group I'm braver when I'm doing it as an example for someone else. If I'm supposed to speak regarding something that will benefit me, my business for example, I'm terrified! But if I'm speaking to show someone I'm trying to help out how easy it is then I have very little trouble with it. I'm braver for someone else than I am for myself.

Why is that? Is that part of God's design for us? Is this His way of showing us the we are better when we are doing for others? Or is this just one of the things that no one else notices and is unique to me? Are you more brave for others? Are you only as brave as you have to be?

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