Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I've been encouraged to blog for a long time now but I'm just now getting around to it. It just seems like so much work! And what do you say?

I started a private blog last year and found it very therapeutic, but a public one? I tend to be a very private person. Along the way though a couple of things happened. First, I started to feel the urge to write a book. No, not and urge like I WANT to write a book. I wish! Nope, I just felt like I was learning things that others, if I shared it with them, could really benefit from. I'm a Christ Follower, and if you are too then you know that it tends to turn your life upside down. I started to work on my book and it started sounding like a series of lectures. Not good. That's when my husband encouraged me ONE MORE TIME to blog. I need to discover my voice.

The second thing was that I was discovering things to say, and discovering through my private blog how writing about it helps you sort it out and discover more through the process. So here it is. I have a blog. I make no promises. This is just me finding my voice. If I knew what it sounded like I wouldn't have to discover it, would I?

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