Friday, September 11, 2009

Lost faith

Is there a dream you've left behind? Or something that you used to believe that you've lost faith in? A promise you've given up on? Or a hope that you've allowed to die? You know the saying that it is darkest before the dawn. Many times it looks like it's all over just before you get whatever it is that you're waiting for. Then when it comes you can doubt it, fear it, try to kill it because you stopped believing, or it's not what you thought, or it looks different than you imagined. Losing faith in your hope makes you lose faith in what you know...what you believe...and in yourself. When everything is crashing down on you and it seems as if there is nothing left to do but to give up, then look up. The biggest and best things are things that God gets the glory for, they are things that you have to walk through the fire for, and they are the things that are worth it all.

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