Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You have to let them see

We all have things inside of us that we want others to value. Whether it's the ability to lead or a heart to care for others or something else, we all have something to give, and we all have a need to have it validated. The thing is the thing that we need to have validated most can be the thing that we are most protective of and hide. Or we think it should be obvious to others. Or we think they should just take our word that we're good at it. Here's the thing, if they need what we have to offer we must presume that there is a problem that needs to be solved. The bigger the problem the greater the need.

Let's look at this as a sickness that needs a cure. If you are sick you go to someone you trust to have a solution. The severity of the illness directly corresponds with credentials you'll require for you to trust them. Let's say it's just a headache. You already know what you need so the credentials required aren't great, so you just call out "Hey, I have a headache! Does anyone have anything?" Someone walks up to you and hands you some pills. Aren't you still going to ask to see the bottle? What I'm saying is that if what you have to offer isn't being used and valued in the way that you hoped there are a few things you need to consider. Are you guarding it too closely? Have you let others know you have a possible cure? Have you shown it to them? Have you allowed them to sample it on their terms? You're looking at it as a service, they are looking at it as the health of something they care about.

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